
KUANTAN – Hanya kerana lewat menghantar air suam  yang dipesan, seorang pelayan sebuah kafe di Jalan Tun Ismail 2, kini bertarung nyawa di unit rawatan rapi (ICU) Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA), setelah ‘digusti’ seorang pelanggan yang naik angin, tengah malam kelmarin.
Dalam kejadian jam 12.30 tengah malam itu, mangsa,  Htong Haw, 29, ditumbuk bertubi-tubi serta kepalanya dihentak ke pasu pokok hiasan setelah dia menghantar air suam dipesan pelanggan terbabit.Gambar pelanggan itu dibelasah dapat dirakam melalui CCTV permis berkenaan. Suspek lelaki yang berusia 30 tahun itu terus mengganas dengan menghenyak tubuh mangsa ke tangga, menariknya ke seberang jalan dan bertindak seperti ahli gusti dengan mengepit kepala mangsa di celah kangkangnya sebelum menghempaskan mangsa ke atas jalan di tempat letak kereta.
Setelah ‘menggusti’ mangsa hingga lembik serta berlumuran darah, suspek melepak di premis terbabit sebelum meninggalkan kawasan itu 2 jam kemudian.
Pemilik premis, Stanly Soon Suan Ning, 43, berkata, dia yang dihubungi seorang pekerjanya memaklumkan kejadian itu lalu bergegas ke tempat kejadian.


Pasang CCTV resolusi tinggi

MUN KOCK KEONG MIRI: Semua pemilik premis perniagaan disaran memasang kamera litar tutup (CCTV) beresolusi tinggi di premis masing- masing bagi memudahkan polis mengecam wajah penjenayah sekiranya berlaku sebarang kes kecurian atau rompakan. Ketua Polis Daerah (KPD) Miri, Asisten Komisioner (ACP) Mun Kock Keong berkata, CCTV beresolusi tinggi membolehkan rakaman lebih jelas sekali gus membantu polis membuat pengecaman wajah suspek dengan lebih mudah dan berkesan. “Ini terbukti apabila kita berjaya menyelesaikan 10 kes rompakan yang berlaku baru-baru ini dengan mengenal pasti wajah suspek berdasarkan rakaman CCTV yang dipasang di beberapa premis perniagaan yang dirompak. “Pemasangan kamera ini biarlah lebih daripada satu untuk merakam segenap sudut premis berkenaan,” ujarnya. Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media di bilik mesyuarat Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Miri di sini, semalam. Hadir sama Timbalan KPD, Superintenden Sapian Selihin dan pegawai penyiasat kes, Inspektor Mansur Rahman. Mun turut menasihati para peniaga agar sentiasa meningkatkan tahap keselamatan di premis masing-masing memandangkan modus operandi penjenayah adalah menjadikan kedai yang kurang pelanggan dan juruwang wanita sebagai sasaran. Dalam pada itu, beliau turut melahirkan rasa terharu dengan ucapan tahniah dan syabas yang diberikan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen, Awang Kerisnada Awang Mahmud kepada Polis Diraja Malaysia Miri atas kejayaan menyelesaikan 10 kes rompakan dalam masa yang singkat. Ucapan tahniah itu diberikan sebelum hakim terbabit menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 88 tahun dan 40 sebatan ke atas Ting Kuong Hieng, 48, yang mengaku bersalah dan disabitkan dengan sembilan tuduhan melakukan rompakan bersenjata dan satu tuduhan cuba merompak. “Sepanjang berkhidmat dalam pasukan polis, ini pertama kali saya mendengar hukuman penjara paling lama pernah dijatuhkan ke atas seseorang penjenayah dan ia diharap dapat dijadikan pengajaran kepada tertuduh serta orang awam yang lain agar tidak melakukan kesalahan serupa,” katanya. Pada sidang media sama, Mun memberitahu seorang warga emas kerugian lebih RM55,000 setelah rumahnya yang terletak di Shang Garden di sini dipecah masuk pencuri pada malam kelmarin. Berikutan itu, katanya, mangsa yang berusia 60 tahun telah membuat laporan polis di Balai Polis Pusat Miri di sini. Manakala barang-barang yang dilaporkan hilang terdiri daripada wang tunai RM15,000 dan barang kemas bernilai RM40,000 yang disimpan di rumahnya. “Pencuri dipercayai telah memecah masuk rumah mangsa melalui tingkap dapur di bahagian belakang rumahnya dan polis kini sedang menjalankan siasatan terperinci berhubung kes itu termasuk mengesan suspek yang terbabit,” katanya.


Balai Seni lukis negara pasang CCTV berdimensi tinggi tingkat keselamatan

Sinar Harian 18 Oktober 2012

KUALA LUMPUR - Balai Seni Visual Negara (BSVN), yang diberi tanggungjawab untuk mengumpul dan menyimpan koleksi seni dan visual negara yang sehingga kini bernilai RM65 juta, telah mempertingkatan ciri-ciri keselamatan dalam penjagaan khazanah negara itu.

Ketua Pengarah BSVN Datuk Mohd Yusof Ahmad berkata antara langkah yang diambil termasuk mengantikan kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) kepada  yang mempunyai ciri penglihatan malam dan berdimensi tinggi.

Kini BSVN mempunyai 11 CCTV, dengan setiap galeri mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya satu unit kamera penglihatn malam, manakala yang lain merupakan CCTV yang beresolusi siang dan malam, katanya kepada Bernama di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian apabila diminta mengulas mengenai Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2011 yang menyentuh mengenai pengurusan koleksi himpunan tetap Lembaga Pembangunan Seni Visual Negara (LPSVN) yang sehingga Disember 2011, telah mengumpul sebanyak 3,925 koleksi yang bernilai RM65 juta hasil sumbangan dan hadiah dari pengumpul seni, badan korporat, kedutaan luar dan kumpulan pelukis.

Antara tanggung jawab lembaga itu ialah untuk menghimpun perolehan hasil karya yang bermutu tinggi untuk dijadikan khazanah Koleksi Tetap Negara yang disimpan di BSVN.

Antara kelemahan yang dibangkitkan oleh Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2011 berdasarkan pengauditan yang dijalankan selama dua bulan mulai Oktober tahun lepas ialah keselamatan koleksi yang kurang diutamakan, termasuk sistem keselamatan pengawasan CCTV yang perlu dikaji semula, kebocoran bumbung BSVN dan masalah serangan kulat pada karya khazanah itu.

Mohd Yusof berkata BSVN telah pun mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mempertingkatkan keselamatan koleksi khazanah seni negara itu termasuk membaiki kebocoran bumbung pada tahun ini.

Menyentuh mengenai masalah serangan kulat, BSVN juga memastikan setiap bahan yang dibawa masuk akan melalui proses jangkitan bakteria, dan juga turut memastikan penyenggaraan alat penyahlembap yang bertujuan mengawal serangan kulat sentiasa berada pada tahap yang sesuai untuk memastikan kualiti karya terjamin.- Bernama


DBKL to lease ITIS traffic info system

October 16, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 16 — Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) will be leasing the Integrated Transport Information System (ITIS) to overcome a host of problems encountered with the traffic information system.
Kuala Lumpur Mayor Datuk Ahmad Phesal Talib said for the purpose, the leasing offer had been made through open tender to contractors, especially to upgrade and repair the closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras and Variable Message Sign (VMS) display boards, which were in need of repair.
He said 1,200 CCTVs and 140 VMS boards would be replaced, with 200 CCTVs to be directly connected to four police contingent headquarters to monitor crime.
“The contractors should be appointed by the end of the year.
“Apart from better management, the lease approach will reduce the risk of technology cycle, vandalism and the burden of site inspection,” he said in a statement, here, today.
The statement was made following the 2011 Auditor-General’s Report finding which was highlighted by several newspapers on the failure of ITIS equipment, such as CCTVs and VMS boards which have passed their life span, frequent breakdowns and the difficulty of obtaining spare parts, rendering the system operational at less than 50 per cent. — Bernama


Curi logam: Masjid pasang CCTV
Wartawan Sinar Harian 16 Oktober 2012
Curi logam - Gambar hiasan
KUALA NERUS - Kes membabitkan kecurian bahan berasaskan besi sama ada penutup longkang, kepala paip atau sebagainya agak membimbangkan sejak kebelakangan ini, malah lebih parah, tempat beribadat seperti surau dan masjid turut menjadi sasaran penjenayah.

Bagi Jawatankuasa Masjid Al-Mustaqim, Gemuroh, Tepoh, Kuala Nerus, akibat tidak tahan dengan kecurian pelbagai barangan berasaskan besi di kawasan tempat ibadat itu, mereka sebulat suara memasang rakaman litar tertutup (CCTV) di dalam masjid berkenaan.

Malah, pihak masjid juga terpaksa mengambil pendekatan dengan menukar kepala paip besi kepada bahan plastik kerana tidak tahan dengan kes kecurian yang semakin berleluasa itu.

Menurut pengerusinya, Amran Abdullah, kes kecurian seperti besi penutup longkang dan kepala paip berlaku hampir setiap minggu dan situasi ini merunsingkan semua pihak hingga memaksa mereka mengambil pendekatan lebih agresif untuk menangani perkara itu.

Katanya, sejak CCTV dipasang kira-kira tiga bulan lalu, masyarakat setempat khususnya jawatankuasa masjid kini mampu tidur lena kerana tidak perlu bimbang, namun tetap sentiasa berjaga-jaga.


Public safety push spurring Queensland councils to install more CCTV cameras  

October 06, 2012

CCTV cameras

AUDITS, public grants and more surveillance cameras are part of a new push to wipe out crime blackspots throughout the state.
The move follows the rape and murder of Melbourne woman Jill Meagher, who was farewelled in a moving ceremony in Melbourne yesterday. CCTV footage recorded by a nearby shop played a pivotal role in the investigation, leading Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu to announce an audit of Melbourne's network.
Brisbane's CCTV network could also soon be audited.
Councils across the state are bolstering their surveillance arsenals, with cameras even finding their way into the main streets of towns in the Western Downs.
Hundreds of cameras throughout the regions from mobile to fixed devices are keeping an eye out for violent crime and acts of vandalism.
Do we need more CCTV cameras? Have your say in the comments section below.
More than 70 are scattered throughout the Cairns CBD and Esplanade alone, while Townsville is set to buy new mobile units.
Brisbane City Council has also begun offering special grants to businesses so they can install cameras to monitor public areas in the suburbs.
Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk confirmed he was considering a "city audit" of CCTV blackspots within the state's capital.
"I would certainly be more than willing to have a look at a city audit in terms of the types of facilities we have," he said.
While he said the city had a "pretty good handle on our CCTV coverage already", Cr Quirk expressed an interest in liaising with police to determine whether more cameras were needed.
"That is something that probably would be worthwhile discussing with the Queensland Police Service," he said.
"I certainly would not be opposing any approach to do that."
While Queensland mayors are calling for more funding for the installation of cameras in regional areas, Brisbane City Council is encouraging businesses to apply for grants through the city's Suburban Business Crime Prevention program, which provides 50 per cent of the cash needed to install CCTV cameras or other security measures, such as improved lighting.
A total of $1 million will be made available over the next four years and successful businesses will receive between $1000 and $10,000 to install cameras in suburban strips, provided they also capture a slice of public area and provide a "community benefit".
More than 300 cameras now monitor behaviour, traffic and property across Brisbane.
Queensland Homicide Victims' Support Group general manager Ross Thompson said he was "fully behind" an audit of existing blackspots.
"It should be throughout the city, really," he said.
Mr Thompson pointed to Ipswich's extensive camera coverage as a success story.
More than 200 cameras all centrally linked to a control room watch over the Ipswich area, which Mayor Paul Pisasale believes has helped drive a 78 per cent reduction in crime.
"We are not going to tolerate crime and we're not going to accept it, full stop. Anybody who thinks we're invading privacy, don't live here," Cr Pisasale said.
"Every year I look at putting more in. It's just part of our life now."
Western Downs Mayor Ray Brown called on Canberra to provide extra funding for security cameras.
"It's an overall protection of your community, your state and your nation," he said.
Cameras are set to become a common sight in the Western Downs, with the "enormous growth" driven by the energy sector prompting council to consider installing them in Chinchilla and Miles.
Residents in Dalby and the small town of Tara are already under Big Brother's gaze.
State Local Government Minister David Crisafulli said Townsville was also set to receive a security upgrade, including $100,000 worth of mobile CCTV units.
"The new mobile CCTVs are pretty bloody good, actually," he said. "They operate on satellite, they'll even beam your images back to a base."
A spokeswoman for Premier Campbell Newman said the State Government's focus was on "putting more police on the beat".


Are we desensitised to surveillance?

ETHICS experts are warning Queensland could transform into a "Big Brother state" if citizens continue to be desensitised to surveillance.
Similar sentiments have been echoed across the world, including Britain, where more than a million cameras track residents' every move.
The UK's surveillance commissioner has reportedly expressed concerns over the use of advanced high-definition cameras and facial-recognition systems, as they could breach Britain's human rights laws.
Queensland University of Technology ethics and public policy expert Dr Sharon Hayes said installation of cameras, which she described as "situational crime prevention", was often a matter of "trading off civil liberties for the common good".
"If people know CCTVs are around, then they're less likely to commit crimes," she said.
"It's something that's put in place as a preventative measure, as well as to record actual crimes in progress."
But Dr Hayes said the0 increasing surveillance of public spaces could also be seen as an erosion of civil liberties.
"It is clearly a violation of civil liberties because it is a violation of privacy," she said.
"The idea of walking around and knowing that you're being recorded is quite off-putting. You are a private citizen and you have no reason to have your actions recorded."
Dr Hayes said desensitisation to being filmed was a risk factor for falling down a "slippery slope".
"Increasingly, in our society, we're becoming desensitised to these sorts of things because we're told that it's for the greater good and it's for our protection," she said.
"That could be a danger because it's a bit of a slippery slope towards having more surveillance and ending up with a Big Brother state."
Australia's lack of "human rights laws" puts it at greater risk of being a surveillance society than the UK. "There's a bigger danger for us because we don't have that legislation," Dr Hayes said.


CCTV installation to be expanded nationwide

SHAH ALAM: The installation of closed circuit televisions (CCTV) to deter crimes, which was previously concentrated in Johor, Selangor, Penang and Kuala Lumpur, will be expanded to include among others Perak and Kedah, said Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusof.


Speaking at a press conference during a community gathering at the Bukit Jelutong residential area here today, he said the move was part of the government's effort to reduce crime rates under the National Key Result Area.     
Yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced an allocation to install an additional 496 CCTVs in 25 local authorities nationwide to combat street crimes.     
The 2013 Budget also included RM20 million for 1,000 motorcycles for residential patrol units.                  -- BERNAMA


Saturday, September 29, 2012

CCTV installation to be expanded nationwide

SHAH ALAM, Sept 29 — The installation of closed circuit televisions (CCTV) to deter crimes, which was previously concentrated in Johor, Selangor, Penang and Kuala Lumpur, will be expanded to include among others Perak and Kedah, said Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusof.
Speaking at a press conference during a community gathering at the Bukit Jelutong residential area here today, he said the move was part of the government's effort to reduce crime rates under the National Key Result Area.  
Yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced an allocation to install an additional 496 CCTVs in 25 local authorities nationwide to combat street crimes.    
The 2013 Budget also included RM20 million for 1,000 motorcycles for residential patrol units. — Bernama


FMT News September 4, 2012

Husband beats, suffocates pregnant wife 

CTV footages of a man beating a woman have been uploaded onto YouTube and Facebook, incurring the wrath of thousands of netizens

PETALING JAYA: In a desperate bid to stand up for herself, a bruised and battered 19-year-old has turned to Facebook to share CCTV footages of herself being beaten relentlessly by her husband at a boutique in Ipoh.
“I am Amanda Fong Kim Yen, I’m 19 years old & I’m two months+ pregnant with Calvin Chik Foo Keong’s baby & I’m standing up for myself now,” the young woman wrote on her Facebook profile page 
“I would like to share my experience with all of you out there how abusive my husband is by beating me up terribly & he had been torturing me.”
The first video Fong uploaded on Aug 30 is almost 12 minutes long and depicts a man hitting, wrestling and throwing a girl around a shop for nearly the whole duration of the clip.
The silent footage, which an unknown user had also uploaded yesterday on YouTube, shows the petite, slender girl struggling and attempting to fight back.
But she is easily overpowered by the man, who is a head taller than her.
At one point, he can be seen stripping off his shirt, before proceeding to shove her onto a recliner and apparently smothering her with the shirt for several seconds.
“As you can see in this video he wouldn’t let me out from the shop even I went to press the door access,” Fong wrote in her post.
“He has put me under tremendous pressure, hurt, pain and & suffering. I cannot endure it anymore longer. I’m very tired of living this miserable life.
“I have been accused, suffered from humiliation, physically & mentally anguished.”

Relentless beating

According to the time stamp on the video, the scene took place on Aug 23 at 5.08pm. The boutique is owned by the couple.
The next day, Fong uploaded a second video which revealed a scene that took place an hour after the first ended.
Also over 11 minutes long, the clip, which is available on YouTube depicts the same man working alone behind the counter for a minute.
However, once the girl comes into the room, the couple quarrel and the relentless beating continues, only far more brutal.
“This is the second session after I came out from the toilet after vomiting,” Fong explained on her page.
“As you can see in this video again, he wouldn’t allow me to exit my shop & he snatched my phone to prevent me calling my mother and even beat me with the phone.”
But towards the end of the video, a woman Fong identified as her mother is seen entering the shop. The two hug and the older woman whisks the younger away, while the man stands by and watches.
“My mom had really saved my life, if it wasn’t for her…. I wouldn’t be here anymore,” wrote Fong.
‘You are so heartless’
In her most recent post, written at around 4pm today, Fong announced that she is slowly recovering from the wounds and injuries her husband caused.
“But whenever you see me, there will be scars all over my arms. I just hope things are coming into the right place,” she wrote in a post that received 191 likes so far and a slew of supportive comments.
Fong had previously uploaded 24 photos of the bruises and scars on her arms, shoulders, legs and around her collar bone. The photo album “Is this even called love when you are even becoming a dad” has over 2,000 shares.
But despite the fact that Fong appears to be safe now, the drama online has not abated.
Her husband Calvin Chik Foo Keong also has a Facebook profile which is flooded with comments by
furious users calling for his arrest and throwing around labels such as “stupid abuser” and “mad monster”.
“I could not even bear to watch without breaking into tears! How could you do such a thing!??? All I can say is. Heartless, you are so HEARTLESS,” wrote Facebook user who wanted to known as JC.
“I dunno you too, but watching the video makes me hardly describe how angry I am to a monster like you,” wrote another user by the name Mic Chew.
Despite the onslaught of furious comments, Chik has not defended himself nor denied his actions on his Facebook profile, preferring instead to accuse Fong’s mother of abusing Fong since she was 15.
Meanwhile, commenters on the Facebook page of the couple’s boutique are expressing disgust at both Fong and Chik.
“Amanda… you real sohai disgrace us woman, next time use your eyes to pick a good lou kung instead of sacrifice your [expletive] for a rich [expletive] who beats woman,” Coco Ping wrote.
“Overall I agree with most people you chimpanzees along those social retards are a disgrace to the world,” wrote Timothy Wong


Man beaten and robbed as bystanders watch

August 30, 2012 

A disturbing case of public apathy is caught on CCTV and uploaded to YouTube.

PETALING JAYA:  A CCTV recording of bystanders nonchalantly watching a robbery in progress has caused outrage among thousands of YouTube viewers.
The seven-minute , titled “Rompakan di Stesen Minyak RnR Butterworth-Kulim Expressway”, was uploaded last Monday by a Penang-based NGO called Komuniti Suara Kehidupan (Kosuke) and features a running commentary presented as subtitles.
The scene is a petrol station at a rest-and-recreation area on an expressway. The time is about 20 minutes past midnight on Aug 10. A motorcyclist and his pillion rider are shown accosting another motorcyclist and trying to wrest his machine from him. The victim resists and is beaten up.
During the four-minute struggle, one of the robbers whips out a weapon, according to the commentary, although this is not clear in the video. The victim slumps down on the floor as one of the robbers rides away on the stolen motorcycle.
While all this is happening, there are several people standing around just watching and others hiding inside the convenience store at the station.
One person walks by and pauses briefly fewer than two metres away from where the scuffle is happening before proceeding in his leisurely walk.  Another person leans against a wall and crosses his arms as he watches the robbery.
The video has had more than 50,000 views.  Most viewers condemn the inaction of the witnesses.


The Star Wednesday August 22, 2012

Hypermarts losing millions to shoplifting syndicates

PETALING JAYA: Several shoplifting rackets comprising men, women, children and even elderly people are causing hypermarkets and convenience stores to lose millions monthly.
Based on CCTV footage taken from retail stores nationwide, the “family-like” groups of between three and seven people have been moving from place to place pilfering items which can be disposed of easily.
Powdered milk tops the list of stolen items, along with tea, coffee and Milo packets, chocolates and toiletries.
The theft of powdered milk is so rampant that some supermarkets have placed the items behind locked glass counters.
The milk and other loot are believed to be sold off cheaply to ready buyers and, in some cases, sundry shops.
Caught in the act: (from top) A combo of CCTV images showing how two persons work together to steal cans of milk at a supermarket. Caught in the act: (from top) A combo of CCTV images showing how two persons work together to steal cans of milk at a supermarket.
Members of the group would come in together but separate when they are inside a store.
Some would select products to be stolen while others would act as lookouts or decoys.
They would then gather in a quiet area to remove the security tags and conceal the stolen items in bags or within loose clothing.
In smaller stores, they would try to distract the cashier or sales promoters while the others - usually females - try to hide as many items as possible under their clothes.
They usually get away with the thefts because supermarket workers are less suspicious of families shopping in a group.
But when they are caught red-handed, members of these groups have shown their violent side by pulling out knives or even beating up store workers before fleeing.
As there have already been several cases of workers being assaulted and threatened, staff have been advised not to put up a fight.
Retailers interviewed said the syndicates were different from the usual shoplifters because they worked in family-like groups and only targeted specific items.
Most shoplifters operate alone, steal on impulse and tend to take cheaper stuff such as stationery.
These thieves have been hitting at least one of the Mydin chain of hypermarket's 148 stores nationwide daily.
Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd managing director Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin said the pilferage rate for the company was between 1% and 1.5% of its total annual sales.
The rate was 0.5% two years ago.
“The losses created by these syndicates can total up to RM30mil a year. Not only is this happening every day, but these people are also getting more aggressive when caught,” he said.
KK Group founder and chairman Datuk Dr Chai Kee Kan said his company, which operates 104 KK Supermarts throughout the country, loses up to RM300 every day.
The company has installed more CCTVs in stores, with as many as 16 for a 457.2 sq m store.
A Tesco hypermarket spokesperson said pilfering was a problem but its stores had in-house detectives to monitor high-loss areas.
The company has also invested in product protection such as security tags and CCTVs.
Some retailers, including Mydin, have no choice but to pass on the losses to consumers but others like Giant are absorbing the cost.
“We budget them as part of our cost. Prices are under our branding strategy, unrelated to pilferage,” said GCH Retail (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd marketing director Ho Mun Hao.
Malaysian Retailer-Chains Association (MRCA) president Datuk Nelson Kwok said members want to have a dialogue with the police to discuss ways to work together to catch the culprits.
Federal CID Director Comm Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Mohd Zinin said police were aware of the rackets.
“Most of the group members are locals and they steal because of the thrill,” he said.
He was, however, unable to provide statistics, as police do not have a specific category for shoplifting in stores, which are categorised as “theft in buildings”.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Even CCTV taken as robbers cart away jewellery from goldsmith shop: CRIME DOWN?

Even CCTV taken as robbers cart away jewellery from goldsmith shop: CRIME DOWN?
MALACCA- A group of robbers not only caused a goldsmith RM350,000 in losses but also carted away the closed circuit television (CCTV) in his shop at Jalan PMS1, Plaza Melaka Sentral, here today.
Melaka Crime Investigation Department deputy chief, Supt P.R. Gunarajan, said the heist occurred between 12 midnight and 4am today.
He said the suspects had entered through the back door of a bridal shop and broke through the walls separating three other shops to gain access to the goldsmith's premises.
"There were five holes made by the robbers, four in the neighbouring shops and one in the office of the goldsmith shop where the jewelry and cash were kept in a four-tier steel safe," he told reporters at the scene of the crime today.
The robbers managed to cart away only the jewelry stored in the first tier of the safe, estimated at RM350,000, he added.
Gunarajan said the suspects also took the CCTV which was in the goldsmith shop.
Meanwhile, the owner of the goldsmith shop, Tan Teng Leong, 50, said the owner of the shop house from whom he was renting the premises telephoned him about the robbery at 8 am.


Town shaken by ATM blast

ALOR GAJAH, Malaysia - An early morning explosion damaged a bank in Masjid Tanah and sent shockwaves across the town, about 11km from here.
The blast resulted from a botched attempt to blow up an automated teller machine (ATM) at the Bank Rakyat branch in Taman Bandar Baru, where witnesses saw four men with full-faced helmets and black jackets fleeing the scene in two motorcycles at about 3.30am yesterday.
The suspects fled upon hearing police sirens heading towards the bank.
There were no casualties but the blast damaged the ATM and two cash deposit machines at the front portion of the bank.
Police have cordoned off the blast site.
At the same time, Malacca police chief Senior Asst Comm Datuk Chuah Ghee Lye has ordered his men to beef up security at financial institutions in rural areas in the state.
He has also set up a task force to investigate the incident, which he described as a "high profile" case.
"We will not leave any stone unturned and are working hard to identify the culprits that placed the explosives in the bank," he said.
SAC Chuah said Malacca police had sought the help of the forensic department in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, to probe the incident and quickly nab the perpetrators.
The police have yet to determine the type of explosives used and the mechanism applied to detonate the device.
According to a source, CCTV footage showed two men placing the explosives minutes earlier at the ATM and they then waited outside the bank for the bomb to detonate.
An eyewitness, Azran Yakoob, 38 said he was on his way to pack some food for sahur when he heard a thunderous blast.
B. Rajkumaran, 34, who was collecting newspapers nearby, said he was jolted by the blast.
"I was shaken by the blast that rattled the building I was standing close to," he said.
The incident is being investigated under Section 457and Section 436 of the Penal Code and Section 8 of the Explosives Act 1957, which carries a jail term of up to seven years or a fine of up to RM10,000, or both, upon conviction.


1,200 private CCTV for pilot integrated response system in Johor

30 July 2012 , By The Star Online

JOHOR BARU: Police have identified 1,200 closed circuit television (CCTV) system owned by private enterprises for the pilot Integrated Response System.
Johor police chief Datuk Mohd Mokhtar Mohd Shariff said the system is aimed at enhancing the confidence of residents, tourists and investors towards safety in public places.
“The CCTV will be linked directly to police contingent headquarters (IPD) to improve the delivery system and communication,” he told reporters after meeting 50 supermarket managers here recently.
The Integrated Response System was introduced by the Home Ministry under the National Key Result Areas (NKRA).
The cost of connecting the CCTV cable would be borne by the owners based on the agreement between police and the supermarkets. This will be signed on Aug 25.
Owners who did not want to connect the CCTV system to the IPD must capture images and hand them over to police for investigation.
Mohd Mokhtar said to reduce crime in shopping centres, the police would help in terms of screening security guard candidates, conduct urine tests and train the guards.
Foreign candidates would be screened to ensure they do no have any criminal record and were not involved in crime, secret societies, drugs.
“Premise owners facing shortage of security guards may apply to Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) which has the Government’s approval to provide 942 auxiliary policemen.”
Other measures proposed were increasing CCTV in parking lots, better lighting in premises, providing mirrors to help customers spot crime perpetrators and separate parking bays for cars and motorcycles.
Police has also formed a taskforce comprising the Special Branch, Narcotics, Fire Department and local authorities to monitor the security of premises, detect weaknesses and improve them.
“We have received positive feedback from shopping centre owners on tackling crime at their premises. Some 100,000 tourists enter the country daily and we want to ensure their safety,” he said. — Bernama


The Star Sunday July 29, 2012

CCTV system affords safety and peace of mind

PETALING JAYA: Teacher Faruk Senan Abdullah installed 10 CCTV cameras in his house in Penang two months ago after reading about the spate of house break-ins in the newspapers.
“I felt my home needed extra protection besides the alarm system,” he said in a phone interview.
Faruk said he regularly checked on his home by logging into the CCTV footage with his mobile phone while overseas.
Extra eyes: Faruk pointing to the CCTV camera installed in his house after reading about the recent spate of crimes in the newspapers.
“The technology is very convenient and I can ensure that my family is safe even when I am away,” Faruk said.
A manager in Damansara Utama who wished to be known only as Ahmad said he and his family feel safer after he had several CCTV cameras installed in their home after a few scary incidents.
“Once, a few thugs tried to break into my house while we were at home. My wife was mugged in broad daylight outside our own house a few years ago.
“That's when I decided to install eight cameras in the hope that the sight of them would make criminals think twice about breaking in,” Ahmad said.
Despite several break-ins in the neighbourhood, Ahmad said he and his family feel safer and have not been targeted since installing the CCTV system.
For Yong (not her real name), the four CCTV cameras installed at her home did not just catch the robbers in the act, but also helped the police to bring them to justice.
The mother of four said her home was burgled by two men and a woman one afternoon while she and her family were out shopping.
According to the camera footage, they climbed over the front gate after realising no one was home.
“The two men pried the front door open while the woman blocked the front and back camera and distracted passers-by. But the side camera that was obscured by the air-condition unit caught their faces and the police could identify them,” Yong said.
The trio were later arrested in Mont Kiara.


Johor police to link all business CCTVs

PILOT PROJECT: Security infrastructure to begin with Iskandar

  JOHOR BARU: JOHOR police will embark on a pilot project to link all privately-owned closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras   to its command centre as part of its policing and security infrastructure for the Iskandar Malaysia region.
The project, which is the first in the country, aims to see 1,200 CCTVs located at business premises integrated into the state police headquarters' Central Command Centre (CCC) to be monitored round the clock by a dedicated team.
State police chief Datuk Mokhtar Shariff said the state was in a unique position to start the project as the system was in tandem with being part of the wider geographical information system (GIS) for Iskandar Malaysia.
"In addition to having a quicker response time during any crime, the CCTVs will also allow us to compile data and reference as part of the GIS input," he said after a security briefing for Johor-based supermarket owners at the state police headquarters yesterday.
Mokhtar said police would encourage owners of premises to participate in the project, which will officially take off on Aug 25.
However, he said the cost of linking and integrating CCTVs to the police would have to be borne by the respective business owners.
Mokhtar said business owners who did not want their CCTV systems to be linked could also have the option to be part of the Safe Camp programme, where their cameras will be used by police for investigation purposes.
"We are flexible and we understand if business owners are not prepared to bear the cost yet. Nevertheless, we do hope that they will take this opportunity to have their security systems linked to the state police," he said.
Once the system is in place, policemen at the CCC can view and provide real-time visuals at the scene of any reported incident to enable the appropriate emergency services to be dispatched immediately.
It is learnt that state police are also working on a three-tier CCTV network system in tandem with the wireless communication system. This can be used at the police station level, District Command Centre and finally at the CCC to provide better efficiency.
On the issue of privacy, Mokhtar said police did not see this as an issue as the system was focused on public areas and also businesses.
"Our priority is to work together with business owners to enhance security in the premises and not peek into people's personal lives," he said, adding that CCTVs acted as a deterrent against crime in many instances.


Jul 24, 2012

Local community contributes funds for CCTV installation

Safety and security concerns: A resident highlighting some of her concerns during the dialogue with the police.
SHOP owners at Serdang Perdana Apartments and local residents at Skyvillas Serviced Apartments contributed some RM19,000 to install CCTV cameras at the shops to increase security in their neighbourhood.
Serdang Perdana Apartments Shop and Shop Joint Management Body (JMB) manager P. Murugasu said the money would go towards installing 29 cameras along the shop corridors.
“The CCTV installation was approved during the AGM in April and will be in operations by next month,” he said.
“We hope that this additional security measure will curb the break-ins and disturbances that occur at the shops.
“We will also be submitting a proposal for the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) to install a height barrier at the main entrance to the shops to prevent trucks and trailers from entering the streets at night.”
Skyvillas Serviced Apartments JMB had organised a dialogue with the police to address the safety and security concerns of the residents and shop owners.
“Our biggest concern is the foreign population, that makes up about 70% of the apartment dwellers,” said Skyvillas Serviced Apartments JMB chairman Toh Hong Hee.
“We understand that the foreigners come here using student visas, but many reside here with their families.”
Toh said there were complaints that the foreigners were loud and disturb the local residents, particularly women, that they consume alcohol in public areas, caused damage to the apartment properties and facilities, and did not abide by traffic and local regulations.
“We do not know how to resolve these problems as our attempts to engage with them have been met with communication breakdown and aggressive behaviour,” he said.
Other residents highlighted issues such as security guards not carrying out their duties, damage of metal fences, noisy restaurants during the wee hours of the morning and abuse of fire hydrant.
Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching suggested that the JMB look into appointing new operators if they were dissatisfied with the services provided by their present security and cleaning companies.
“I urge residents to serve as the eyes and ears of the police, and have the contact number of police stations and 24-hour hotline so that they can contact the police in the event of an emergency or if they spot anything suspicious,” she said.
“I also hope the residents will make the effort to lodge a police report, no matter if the crime was major or minor, to help the police identify the hotspot areas and
collect relevant data.”
Besides reminding residents on the importance of lodging police reports, Sergeant Major Anuar Arshad encouraged them to get to know their neighbours.
“Your neighbours are the ones who will help you in times of need,” said Anuar, who was representing Seri Kembangan police station chief OCS Inspector Chai Chee Boon.
“If you are going away for a holiday or returning to your hometown, inform your neighbours so they will help keep an eye on your home.
“A united group of residents will help create a safer neighbourhood.”
To a request to have an Ops Payung (temporary beat-base) to curb crime in the neighbourhood, Anuar said it would be conveyed to the relevant authority as Ops Payung initiatives would depend on demand and available resources.
Teo later presented RM1,000 from her parliamentary allocation to the Skyvillas Serviced Apartments JMB.


The Star Saturday July 21, 2012

Foreigners nabbed over RM2mil jewellery heist

SHAH ALAM: A group of seven foreigners have been arrested over the theft of RM2mil worth of diamond jewellery from a Hong Kong national at the KL International Airport.
In the incident at 6.35pm on July 18, two women - a Costa Rican and a Mexican - were caught on airport CCTV stealing a suitcase from the 53-year-old victim while she was busy at a counter.
The theft took less than a minute, with one suspect distracting the woman while the other took the suitcase, which was left on a trolley.
Police did not want to reveal what counter she was at when the theft occurred.
Selangor police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah said the victim was a jewellery company manager and had just arrived in Malaysia for a jewellery exhibition in Kuala Lumpur.
"Don't be careless, and practise personal safety habits. If you are carrying precious items, notify the police in advance.
"In this case, the victim only realised her suitcase of valuables was missing after 18 minutes," DCP Tun Hisan told a press conference Saturday.
Upon receiving the report from the victim, police checked the airport CCTV recordings and with intelligence reports, raided a condominium in Jalan Semantan.
"There are 3,000 CCTV cameras in KLIA. Not many know this (the number of cameras), security is tight at KLIA and we are watching (for criminals)," he said.
From the raid, police arrested two Colombian men, two Costa Rican men, one Ugandan woman as well as the two female suspects filmed on CCTV.
Of the four men, three tested positive for ganja.
The Colombians are father and son.
The younger Colombian is studying at a college in Kajang, while the Ugandan woman is enrolled in a college in Puchong.
The other five suspects are in the country on social visit passes.
"From the raid, we managed to recover the suitcase and its contents. The victim had already gone back to Hong Kong, and is flying in today (Saturday) to identify the items," said DCP Tun Hisan.
He added that the same group was believed to be involved in theft of hospital equipment, and said investigations were ongoing.


The Star Thursday July 12, 2012

Heartless passers-by

GEORGE TOWN: Seven people walked past snatch theft victim Tan Kim Chuan (pic), 60, without lifting a finger to help her as she lay unconscious on the road with a cracked skull at the Rifle Range flats.
CCTV footage showed her lying on the road for about seven minutes (see sequence of events below).
Kim Chuan, who fell and knocked her head on the road in the 6.02am incident on Tuesday, succumbed to her injuries nine hours later at the Penang Hospital.
Her sister Lay Yong, 63, wants the passers-by “to listen to their conscience”.
“Those who saw her should have done something the least they could have done was shout for help.
“How could they have just walked by? I am angry but what can I do?” Lay Yong said at the Penang Hospital mortuary yesterday.
Tears flow: Investigating officer Asst Supt Wong Yeut Oon sharing Lay Yong’s painful loss at the Penang Hospital mortuary.
She said Kim Chuan was on her way to the family-owned coffeeshop in Carnarvon Street.
She would take the bus every morning to help out at the coffeeshop.
“My sister was the sort of person who would not hesitate to help others. The snatch thief who did this to her was heartless,” she said.
Kim Chuan, a widow who had just moved into the Rifle Range flats two weeks ago, was walking alone near Block J of the flats when her handbag was snatched by a motorcyclist.
At about 6.10am, three good Samaritans lifted her to the side of the road and called for an ambulance.
Sequence of events.
Penang Hospital Department of Forensic Medicine head Datuk Dr Zahari Noor said the post-mortem showed the cause of death was multiple injuries to the head.
“She suffered internal bleeding in the head and the back of her skull cracked when she fell and hit the road the impact was strong,” he said.
The body will be cremated in Batu Gantong at 2pm today.
Meanwhile, George Town OCPD Asst Comm Gan Kong Meng urged the public to help police in catching the suspect.
“As we are unable to be everywhere at the same time, we value the information from the public, especially from those who may have witnessed the incident,” he told reporters after paying his last respects to Kim Chuan at the Mount Erskine funeral parlour.
He also advised the public to always offer help to those in need.
“A swifter response could have saved her life,” said ACP Gan.


Police pick 300 hotspots for CCTV surveillance

27 June 2012 , By The Star

PETALING JAYA: Selangor police have identified about 300 crime hotspots in the state which will benefit from real-time CCTV surveillance system.

Selangor deputy police chief Senior Asst Comm Datuk A. Thaiveegan said the programme was part of the Government's National Key Results Area (NKRA) for crime.

"I am sure that it will greatly assist the police in combating crime and ultimately bring down the crime rate," he said.

SAC Thaiveegan hopes that the system will be expanded to Selangor as soon as possible after its launch in Johor.

"We have identified the locations where the CCTVs are to be installed and it is only a matter of when," he said.

It was reported yesterday that the estimated cost of setting up the entire system in Johor was RM95mil.

He also urged the private sector to assist the police by allowing their CCTV feeds, especially at shopping malls, to be linked to the state's centralised command centre to facilitate a quick response.

SAC Thaiveegan also welcomed the move by police from Bukit Aman who intend to meet shopping mall operators to discuss their security and CCTV systems after the recent spate of robberies involving female patrons.

"We will advise and guide them on measures to implement at their malls. By working together, we hope to greatly decrease the number of crimes in shopping mall car parks and in the vicinity," he said.

The surveillance system will allow CCTV feeds to be conveyed to police patrol units, MPVs and motorcycles via a centralised command centre.

Emergency response boxes would also be installed in strategic locations statewide so that the public can communicate with the police by speaking into an intercom.

The system is expected to be fully operational in Johor by next year.

Johor Baru City Council will have 50 CCTV cameras in place while the Iskandar Regional Development Authority has proposed 250.

The system will also include privately-owned CCTV cameras from shopping malls and business premises as well as live video streaming from the patrol cars to the command centre.

Following its launch in Johor, the next two states earmarked for the system are Selangor and Kuala Lumpur although an exact date has yet to be set.


Images of suspects in rape case released

PLANNED CRIME: Couple allegedly posed as clients to lure real estate agent into apartment

City Criminal Investigation Department chief Datuk Ku Chin Wah says the man (left) wore dark glasses and avoided eye contact with the cameras. (Right) The woman accompanying the male suspect.
KUALA LUMPUR: POLICE yesterday released closed-circuit television (CCTV) images of a couple suspected of robbing and raping a real estate agent last week.
City Criminal Investigation Department chief Datuk Ku Chin Wah said they obtained the CCTV images from various locations in the area.
"The man wore sunglasses and avoided eye contact with CCTVs, so, it was clear that it was a pre-meditated criminal act rather than a spontaneous one," Ku said.
"We have also identified the car they used, a white Mitsubishi Lancer with fake plates, which we believe is their own car."
The couple had allegedly posed as clients and met the 34-year-old victim from Kepong at a condominium in Mont Kiara on May 10.
The woman was then robbed and raped before she was locked up in the unit.
The couple took her Toyota Vios with her mobile phone and laptop.
Auxiliary policemen alerted police who then rescued her the following morning and sent her to University of Malaya Medical Centre.
Ku urged those with information on the suspects to contact investigating officer Inspector Mohd Najeeb Mohd Hisan at 012-729 3533.
Asked if this case was linked to the murder of another real estate agent, Chen Choi Mooi, whose body was found near the Batu Dam in Gombak on May 9, Ku said it was too early to reach that conclusion as the murder investigation was being handled by Selangor police.
"But we are exchanging notes and sharing information," he said.
Chen, 39, from Jinjang Utara, had gone to meet a prospective tenant at 1pm on May 8 and never returned home.
On May 9, police found her car in Batu 5, Jinjang and contacted her husband later that night to identify a body at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital mortuary.
Post-mortem results revealed that Chen had died of strangulation and she was believed to have been tied as there were bruises on both wrists.


Police release CCTV images of wanted couple

May 18, 2012

Public urged to help identify duo involved in the robbery and molest of a female property agent at a condo unit in Mont Kiara last week.
PETALING JAYA: Police today released CCTV images of two individuals wanted for robbing and sexually assaulting a female property agent last week.
Urging those who recognised the faces of the man and woman to help authorities, Kuala Lumpur CID chief Ku Chin Wah also expressed his disgust over the nature of the crime.
“When the man was molesting the victim, the woman suspect did nothing and just watched… suffice to say, there are many sick people around,” said Ku.
“The images are quite clear, I’m sure someone can recognise them. I urge them to please come forward,” said Ku, who added this was a first-of-its-kind crime reported in the city.
Anyone with any information as to their whereabouts can contact Inspector Mohd Najeeb Mohd Esam at 012-7293533 or go to the nearest police station.
Investigations thus far revealed that the couple had drove around in a white Mitsubishi Lancer with a fake number plate. Other details on the suspects remain sketchy.
Ku said that the crime seemed to be premeditated but police have not ascertained a motive for the attack.
The property agent, 34, went missing last week after showing the couple a condominium unit in Mont Kiara. Her husband lodged a missing persons report on Thursday evening.
Police said that the ‘prospective clients’ had locked the doors of the unit and proceeded to assault her. The victim was slapped and stripped naked.
She was allegedly molested by the man while his accomplice watched. Her belongings, including her handbag and handphone and some cash, were also taken.
The suspects left her locked up in the unit and made their getaway in the victim’s Toyota Vios.
It was several hours before police received a tip-off about a woman sobbing and pleading for her life.
A team, led by Chief Inspector Edmond Wong, broke down the unit’s door and found the property agent still tied up and naked.
It is understood that her clothing was shredded by the suspects in an effort to prevent her from leaving the unit.
This latest case comes at the heels of another missing persons report of 42-year-old female real estate agent who was found murdered at the Batu Dam in Ulu Yam last Wednesday.
According to reports, Chen Choi Mooi had left her house in Jinjang early on Tuesday to meet a client over the sale of a house.
Her car was located first and an hour later her body was found floating in the dam. Initial police inspections showed she was strangled and she had several bruises on her body.


DPM: Govt move to reduce crime boosts investor confidence

KULAIJAYA: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said today there is growing confidence in the international investment community to invest in Malaysia, boosted by the government's measures to reduce crime in the country.

DPM in Kulai Jaya

He said foreign investment rose to RM33 billion in 2011 from RM29 billion in 2007.
"In 2011, the country's overall crime index dropped by 11 per cent compared to 2010, far exceeding the five per cent target," he said when launching the Johor Safe City Programme, here.
Muhyiddin said Malaysia rose from 26th position in 2009 to 19th last year among 153 countries in the Global Peace Index in terms of improvement in security and peace.
He also said that by 2020, sixty-five per cent of the people in peninsular Malaysia would live in cities and, as such, RM218 million was allocated in 2010 to implement high-impact measures in the Safe City Programme.
These measures, under the National Key Result Area (NKRA), include separating pedestrian walkways from motorcycle lanes, installation of security mirrors, CCTV cameras, better lighting, security alarms and crime mapping through the Geographic Information System (GIS).
"These measures are the significant 'low-hanging fruits' to combat crime in the hot spots," he said.
Muhyiddin said that in Johor, 15 local authorities have been allocated RM26.1 million to install 88 CCTV cameras monitored at control rooms in each of the councils and district police headquarters, erect guardrails separating 13km of pedestrian walkways and routes for motorised vehicles, put up 281 security mirrors at corners of lanes between buildings and install 909 street lights.
In the Kulai municipality, 680 metres of guardrail have been erected, 16 CCTV cameras have been put into operation, and eight security mirrors and 30 new street lights have been installed, he said.
These measures have reduced street crime in the state by 14.4 per cent and serious crime by 15.5 per cent last year, he said, adding that the reduction far exceeded the national average decline of 7.7 per cent and 10.2 per cent, respectively.
Muhyiddin said this success had not stopped the government from intensifying measures under the Safe City Programme, with Johor cities set to get 108 CCTV cameras, 965 new street lights and 1,500 locked motorcycle parking bays. -- BERNAMA


 Rakaman kamera tidak diragui, sahih 100 peratus



IMEJ Penjahat Empat Jahanam yang dirakam CCTV sebuah klinik di Ampang, Selangor pada 7 Disember 2009.

KUALA LUMPUR – Antara sebab mengapa rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) harus dipercayai ialah ia begitu sahih iaitu hampir 100 peratus benar, kata penganalisis jenayah, Kamal Affendi Hashim.

Menurut beliau, imej yang timbul itu tidak boleh diubah memandangkan ia menceritakan bentuk fizikal suspek dan gerak geri seseorang daripada semua sudut pandangan depan, belakang dan tepi.
“Justeru, sesuatu imej yang dirakamkan itu tidak seharusnya diragui. Satelit di angkasa juga merupakan salah satu CCTV yang merakam segala aktiviti di galaksi dan ia sentiasa dipercayai,” katanya ketika dihubungi Kosmo! semalam.


Penyamun dijel kerana imej CCTV 


TIGA suspek ditahan ketika sedang bersembunyi di sebuah rumah di Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. Mereka ditangkap selepas dua hari suspek pertama masuk perangkap polis.

AMPANG JAYA – Pembongkaran Kosmo! pada Januari tahun lalu mengenai kegiatan sekumpulan empat lelaki bersenjatakan parang dan kapak yang menyamun sebuah klinik di pinggir ibu negara membuahkan hasil apabila tiga daripada suspek disumbat ke dalam penjara selama enam dan tujuh tahun. Mereka juga dihukum sebat.
Penyamun bergelar Penjahat Empat Jahanam itu amat ganas apabila mereka tanpa belas kasihan mengugut mangsa-mangsa di klinik tersebut sebelum melarikan barang-barang berharga. Mereka merompak pada 7 Disember 2009.
Kosmo! yang membuat pendedahan berterusan bermula pada 2 Januari 2010 dengan menyiarkan imej kejadian rompakan yang diambil daripada kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) di klinik tersebut membantu siasatan polis apabila seorang demi seorang suspek ditahan sebelum mereka dihadapkan ke mahkamah.
Suspek pertama ditahan oleh polis Cawangan Jenayah Berat (D9) Selangor pada 6 Januari 2010 di sebuah restoran di Jalan Klang Lama dekat sini manakala tiga lagi suspek ditahan di sebuah rumah di Pasir Puteh, Kelantan dua hari kemudian.
Keempat-empat suspek itu kemudian diserahkan kepada polis Ampang Jaya.
Selepas disiasat dan diserahkan kepada polis di beberapa daerah lain untuk tujuan membantu siasatan beberapa kes jenayah, tiga lelaki itu buat pertama kali dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Sesyen Ampang pada 17 Mac 2010 namun seorang lagi suspek dibebaskan selepas polis mendapati dia tidak terlibat.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

USM's Policy on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

According to a Vice Chancellor's Executive Committee meeting on 4 August 2009 (that's two years ago), the committee has approved the USM CCTV Policy including the establishment of a USM CCTV Committee.

The Occupational Health and Safety Unit (UKKP) was appointed as the secretariat to the USM CCTV Committee.

Universiti Sains Malaysia Policy on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Monitoring, Recording, Role & Technical Standards

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) is committed to providing a safe environment by integrating the best practices of crime prevention and policing with state of the art technology. A critical component of a comprehensive safety and security plan is Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTV) – a technology that can remotely monitor and record activity on campus.

The purpose of this Policy is to provide guidelines for the use of CCTV on the University property in a way that enhances safety and security, but also respects the expectation of reasonable privacy among members of the community. This Policy applies to all students, faculty, and staff within the University community1.

(I) General Principles

A. The purpose of CCTV monitoring is to deter crime and to protect the personal

safety and property of the University Community. Safety and security purposes

include, but are not limited to:

• Protection of individuals, including students, faculty, staff and visitors;

• Protection of University owned and/or operated property and buildings,

including building perimeters, entrances and exists, lobbies and corridors,

receiving docks, special storage areas, laboratories, and cashier locations;

• Verification of alarms and access control systems;

• Patrol of common areas and areas accessible to the public, including bus

stops, parking lots, public streets and pedestrian walks; and

• Investigation of criminal activity and serious disciplinary activity such as,

for example, sabotage of research projects, in accordance with this Policy.

Any diversion of security technologies for purposes other than the safety and

security purposes contemplated by this Policy is prohibited.

1 Uses of CCTV technology covered by University policies governing research with human subjects or animal

subjects are excluded from this Policy.

B. CCTV monitoring will be conducted in a professional, ethical and legal manner.

Personnel involved in monitoring will be appropriately trained and supervised in

the responsible use of this technology. Violations of the Code of Procedures set

forth under Section III below may result in disciplinary action consistent with the

rules and regulations governing employees of the University.

C. Information obtained through monitoring will only be released when approved by

the Vice Chancellor, or any of their designees according to procedures

established in this Policy.

D. Monitoring will be conducted in a manner consistent with all existing University

policies, including the Non-Discrimination Policy, the Sexual Harassment Policy,

and other relevant policies. Monitoring based on the characteristics and

classifications contained in the Non-Discrimination Policy (e.g., race, gender,

sexual orientation, national origin, disability, etc.) is strictly prohibited.

E. Monitoring shall be limited to uses that do not violate the reasonable expectation

to privacy

(i) Students have a greater expectation of privacy in their personal dormitory

rooms and in the lounges of dormitory facilities. Therefore, monitoring for

safety and security purposes will not be used in dormitory rooms and

lounges unless the Head of Security Department, in consultation and

approval from the University’s CCTV Committee, determines that a specific

safety/security risk exists. Monitoring of dormitory rooms shared by more

than one student or common areas is not permitted under this Policy

without authorization from all residents of the subject room.

(ii) Faculty and staff also have a greater expectation of privacy in lecture halls,

tutorial rooms and faculty lounge facilities. Therefore, monitoring for safety

and security purposes will not be used in lecture halls, tutorial rooms and

lounges unless the Head of Security Department, in consultation and

approval from the University’s CCTV Committee, determines that a specific

safety/security risk exists.

F. The existence of this Policy does not imply or guarantee that cameras will be

constantly monitored in real time.

G. All existing uses of video monitoring and recording shall be brought into

compliance with this policy within five (5) months of the approval of this Policy.

H. Five (5) months following the adoption of this Policy, the CCTV Committee shall

review the Policy and make recommendations for revisions, if any, to the Vice

Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor may amend this Policy at anytime provided that

notice is given to the University community by the posting of a revised Policy on

the University website and other official channels.

(II) Responsibilities

A. The Security Department in consultation with the University’s CCTV

Committee and Vice Chancellor are authorized to oversee the use of CCTV

monitoring for safety and security purposes at the University. All University

areas using CCTV monitoring are responsible for implementing this Policy.

B. The Vice Chancellor has the responsibility to authorize all long-term CCTV

monitoring recommended by the University’s CCTV Committee. The Head of

Security Department have the responsibility to authorize any temporary

installation as deemed necessary in connection with a criminal investigation,

for enhanced security for special events or as otherwise deemed necessary

to protect the safety and security of the University.

C. A CCTV Committee will be appointed by the Vice Chancellor. The CCTV

Committee will be made up of at least ten (10) members who will serve for a

period designated by the Vice Chancellor. The CCTV Committee shall

include the Head of Security Department; the Head of Occupational Safety

and Health Unit (UKKP); one representative from the Student Council

nominated by DVC Student Affairs & Development; one representative from

the Graduate School; at least one representative each from, Center for

Instructional Technology & Multimedia (PTPM), Centre for Knowledge,

Communication & Technology (PPKT); Development Department and at least

six (6) faculty and staff representing Academic and Administrative Staff

Associations of USM (PKAPUSM), General Staff Union of USM (KKAUSM),

Main Campus, Engineering Campus, Health Campus and Advance Medical &

Dental Institute (IPPT). In addition, the Legal Officer of the university will be

appointed as a member of this committee. The Vice Chancellor will appoint a


The CCTV Committee shall have responsibilities as described in this Policy

and such other responsibilities that may be assigned from time to time by the

Vice Chancellor. The Chair of the CCTV Committee may elect to convene a

meeting of CCTV Committee members for CCTV Committee action required

under this Policy. In lieu of a meeting, the Chair may choose to consult with

members by phone or internet. All members should be given the opportunity

to participate in such consultation. Any CCTV recommendation under this

Policy must include the input of the majority of CCTV Committee members.

The Committee is also strongly encouraged to seek input from administrators,

faculty, staff and students in areas affected by the use/proposed use of CCTV

and to consider such input before making a final recommendation.

D. All new Department installations will follow this Policy. Departments wishing

to install monitoring systems must submit a written request to the CCTV

Committee for approval. The written request should include the following


• a description of the safety or security issue warranting the installation of

CCTV monitoring systems;

• the number and proposed location of camera(s) to be installed;

• whether the location of cameras involve the recording of activity by

students, faculty, staff or the general public and to what extent;

• the names and titles of the individuals who will be responsible for

monitoring the cameras;

• the frequency by which the recordings will be reviewed (i.e. real time,

daily, randomly, when an alarm is sounded);

• the length of time recordings will be stored; and

• the location where recordings will be stored.

The CCTV Committee will consider the petition and make a recommendation

as to approval of the installation to the Vice Chancellor. The Committee’s

recommendation can propose an installation that is less or more extensive

than described in the original Department petition. The Vice Chancellor for

will make the final decision regarding the appropriateness of an installation

weighing the concerns of the Department making the requests and safety

and security of the entire community and the privacy interests of those whose

activity may be recorded.

E. Students, faculty and staff entering certain sensitive locations on campus

may have an increased concern for privacy or confidentiality. In order to

prevent a possible chilling effect at these locations, concerned persons

may petition the CCTV Committee to forgo the installation of a proposed

camera or for the removal of an existing camera. The petition should

identify the location/proposed location of the subject cameras and should

detail the basis for the request for removal. The CCTV Committee will

consider the petition and make a recommendation to the Vice Chancellor.

The Vice Chancellor will make the final decision regarding the

appropriateness of foregoing to install/removing camera(s), weighing the

concerns of the person(s) making the requests and the safety and security

of the entire community.

F. The Head of Security Department, in consultation with the Legal Officer,

will review and respond to subpoenas from outside law enforcement to

release recordings obtained through CCTV monitoring. Requests for CCTV

recordings made in connection with internal investigations of University

disciplinary matters will be forwarded to the CCTV Committee. The CCTV

Committee will review such requests and make recommendations to the

Vice Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor will make the final decision regarding

the appropriateness of releasing the recordings, weighing the concerns of

the disciplinary official/committee making the request against privacy

interests and safety and security of the entire community.

G. Any appeal of a decision by the Head of Security Department will be

reviewed by the Vice Chancellor who will render a decision. An appeal may

be taken to the Board of Directors to review the decision rendered by the

Vice Chancellor; the Board of Directors decision is final.

H. The CCTV Committee may audit any Department’s CCTV surveillance

operations, including recording storage and retention.

(III) Code of Procedures

A. All operators and supervisors involved in video surveillance will perform their

duties in accordance with this Policy.

B. The Security Department will limit camera positions and view of residential

housing in compliance with the Policy.

C. Surveillance/Monitoring center will be configured to prevent camera operators

tampering with or duplicating recorded information.

D. Recordings may be retained for a period not to exceed 45 days and will then

be erased, unless retained as part of a criminal investigation or court

proceeding (either civil or criminal), or other bona fide use as approved by the

Director of Security.

E. Recordings will be retained in a secure location with access by authorized

personnel only.

F. Camera control operators who view recordings must do so in the presence of

a supervisor to maintain the integrity of the recording.

G. Camera control operators will be trained in the technical, legal and ethical

parameters of appropriate camera use. Camera control operators will receive

a copy of this Policy and provide written acknowledgement that they have

read and understood its contents.


H. Camera control operators will not monitor individuals based on characteristics

of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or other classifications

protected by the Campus’s Non-Discrimination Policy. Camera control

operators will monitor based upon suspicious behavior, not individual


I. Camera control operators will NOT view private rooms or areas through


J. Camera control operators will not spot and continuously view people

becoming intimate in public areas.

K. Portable hidden cameras with recording equipment will only be used for

criminal investigation by the approval of the Head of Security Department for

Universiti Sains Malaysia.

(IV) Roles and Responsibilities

A. Security Department

1. The Security Department is fully responsible for safety and security on

campus. Thus, the Security Department is also responsible for overall operations

of the CCTV system on campus. The Security Department will coordinate and

manage all activities at the Surveillance, Monitoring & Recording Center


2. Surveillance, Monitoring & Recording Center (SMRC)

SMRC must be managed by skilled and trained personnel.

SMRC must be fully equipped in order for it to operate smoothly and


SMRC also must be equipped with high-tech large screen monitors for the

effective surveillance and monitoring.

SMRC will be connected to all the external CCTVs.

SMRC will also monitor CCTVs which will be strategically located at the

University’s four (4) main entrances and exits.

SMRC will be equipped with state of the art technology for video analytics.

SMRC will make certain that all security data will be controlled and stored

in a secured manner.

3. The surveillance of only all external CCTVs as well as CCTVs located at the

University’s four (4) main entrances and exits will be monitored and controlled by

the Security Department through SMRC. All other existing CCTVs installed at

departments, lecture halls and student hostels will continued to be managed by

the relevant departments responsible.

4. All application for the new CCTVs will be referred to the University’s CCTV


5. Appropriate job positions must be added to the Security Department for the

purpose of managing the CCTV system at SMRC. The proposed positions

include: (1) J29 (Pembantu Teknik Elektronik) and (2) F29 (Penolong Pegawai

Sistem Maklumat) .

B. Centre for Insructional Technology and Multimedia (PTPM)

PTPM will provide expert technical services regarding equipment and

specification. PTPM will also act as a resource center.

C. Centre for Knowledge, Communication and Technology (PPKT)

PPKT will provide expert technical services regarding software and ICT

materials. In addition PPKT will also be responsible for the network

system required to effectively operate the CCTV system on campus.

D. Development Department

Development Department will provide technical support, relevant

infrastructure. In addition, Jabatan Pembangunan will also act as the

resource center for issues related to buildings, grounds and general

facilities on campus.

E. Occupational Safety and Health Unit (UKKP)

UKKP will provide expert services and support regarding safety issues

related to this system.

In addition UKKP will also act as the secretariat for the University’s CCTV


UKKP will on a regular basis (quarterly) or on special request by the

CCTV Committee will audit the CCTV system at SMRC and other


(V) CCTV Technical Standards

1. Surveillance

CCTV locations – ”hotspots” will be identified by experts in University’s

CCTV Committee.

CCTV guidelines must be fully adhered when installing new cameras.

Privacy issues must be fully adhered to when installing new cameras.

2. VideoSystem

Existing CCTV system will be upgraded and modified relevant to the new


Analog system will be re-matched accordingly to able it be converted to

digital (convertible).

UPS system to manage temporary interruption and storing of data.

A more able/efficient new system.

Comments towards the camera specification are:-

Analog types of camera’s are relevant to be used even technology

changes with responds to the time.

PTZ camera’s will be equipped by assay technology characteristicsvideo

analytics and suitable to be fixed outside buildings which needs

more broader surveillance.

Static camera’s will be upgraded with better managing software.

IR camera’s are suitable to be fixed at locations that is less lights or dark

especially to capture images at night.

Image quality not lesser than 540 TVL

”Absorption protection” not lesser than 65 (IP > 65) for external PTZ.

Wide Lens – wide angle depends on the location and purpose.

Digital Video Recording (DVR) can function to record and display images

from camera at the real time.

DVR also can be used to store the data and images into Hard Disk Drive

(HDD) which has storage capacity up to 4000GB’. It also equiped with the

backup system either through USB, CD-RW and also Network.

DVR also can be configure through networks and it has TCP/IP protocol to

able the web based access.

Cabel used is the type of RG6 or RG59U suitable for video system.

If the distance between the camera and DVR is more 300meter than it has

to be connected with Transmitter/Receiver using cabel RJ45.

3. Vulnerability

Able to manage threat - jamming, laser lights or destroy – vandalism.

Cables and equipments must be closed and hidden.

4. Allocation

Enough allocation should be given to the development of the CCTV

system as well as to manage it accordingly and effectively.

(Approved by Vice Chancellor’s Executive Committee, August 2009)


Penyerang tadika: Polis teliti CCTV


JOHOR BAHRU – Polis yakin dapat menjejaki lelaki yang dipercayai menceroboh dan menyerang murid-murid taman Didikan Kanak-kanak (Tadika) Sinario, di Muar, dua hari lepas setelah pergerakan lelaki berkenaan berjaya dirakam oleh kamera litar tertutup (CCTV).
Ketua Polis Johor, Datuk Mohd. Mokhtar Mohd. Shariff berkata, siasatan terperinci terhadap rakaman itu sedang dilakukan sebelum fotofit lelaki berkenaan dikeluarkan dalam masa terdekat.
"Semua anggota dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Muar, Ledang dan Batu Pahat sedang memburu lelaki itu. Polis juga akan menjalankan siasatan dari pelbagai sudut,” katanya kepada pemberita di Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen (IPK) Johor, di sini hari ini.
Beliau yang enggan mengulas lokasi CCTV itu, berkata, Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Johor, Datuk Amer Awal juga akan mengadakan perjumpaan dengan Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) di sekitar bandar Muar hari ini bagi membantu mengesan lelaki berkenaan.
Menyifatkan kejadian itu sebagai tidak berperikemanusiaan, Mohd. Mokhtar meminta orang ramai bersabar dan tidak membuat sebarang spekulasi mengenai kejadian tersebut.
Dalam kejadian pukul 10.30 pagi itu, seorang lelaki yang dipercayai tidak siuman, menceroboh Tadika Sinario di Lorong Haji Ali, Jalan Abdul Rahman dan bertindak menyerang serta mencederakan seorang guru wanita dengan tukul besi apabila ditanya tujuannya masuk ke tadika itu.
Lelaki itu kemudian menjadi semakin ganas dan menyerang kanak-kanak yang pada ketika itu sedang bersarapan, mengakibatkan tiga daripadanya cedera parah di bahagian kepala. – Bernama



Ambil keterangan: SPRM pasang CCTV

SHAH ALAM – Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Selangor akan turut memasang kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) semasa mengambil butiran daripada pihak yang dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan, kata Pengarahnya, Datuk Ja’afar Mahad.
Beliau berkata, ia selaras dengan penggunaan CCTV oleh SPRM di seluruh negara mulai tahun ini.
"Kita dalam proses untuk mendapatkan peralatannya yang akan dipasang di bilik mengambil keterangan,” katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.
Ja’afar berkata bilik tersebut akan turut dipasang jeriji besi sebagai langkah keselamatan.
Beliau berkata, pejabat SPRM Selangor telah dipindahkan ke Wisma PKPS di Seksyen 14 di sini dari Plaza Masalam awal bulan ini, untuk menampung staf yang semakin bertambah. – Bernama


My Metro


CCTV di semua IPD: Bakri

PULAU PINANG: Polis akan memasang kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) di semua ibu pejabat polis daerah (IPD) bagi mengelakkan dakwaan mereka menggunakan kekerasan semasa menjalankan tanggungjawab.
Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Zinin berkata untuk fasa pertama pemasangan CCTV dilakukan di semua IPD di empat buah negeri yang disifatkan mencatatkan kadar jenayah yang tinggi.

"Fasa pertama sudah siap meliputi IPD di Pulau Pinang, Johor, Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan forum mengenai jenayah dan tugas polis di Malaysia, di sini hari ini.

"Pemasangan CCTV ini dibuat di bilik soal siasat dan tempat strategik lain. Langkah ini bagi mengelakkan tanggapan umum bahawa polis menggunakan kekerasan semasa menjalankan tugas," katanya.

Terdahulu dalam ucaptamanya, Mohd Bakri berkata jabatan itu memerlukan lebih ramai pegawai penyiasat bagi memenuhi tuntutan masyarakat. - Bernama


Kosmo 7 March 2010

'Mata' elektronik saksi situasi

ISU keselamatan sudah lama menjadi perkara yang serius untuk dipertimbangkan. Tanpa sikap berwaspada atau sebarang usaha untuk menjamin faktor tersebut, nyawa dan aset fizikal menjadi pertaruhannya.
Dari bangunan pejabat, kompleks beli-belah, hinggalah ke kawasan taman awam, sistem kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) semakin banyak dipasang. Namun kini, fungsinya sebagai peranti kawalan telah menjangkau lebih daripada keperluan di premis komersial.
Dengan pelbagai kes rompakan, pecah rumah, penculikan dan pembunuhan dilaporkan di media, kawalan keselamatan di kawasan kediaman turut diperketatkan.
Sama ada banglo, teres, kondominium atau apartmen, langkah keselamatan tambahan sudah dipelbagaikan seperti menggajikan pengawal keselamatan, penggunaan kad pintar dan sistem akses eksklusif yang terus membawa penghuni ke aras atau muka pintu kediaman sendiri.
KAWALAN keselamatan melalui rakaman kamera litar tertutup dan paparan monitor sudah banyak dipasang di kediaman persendirian.

Perkara tersebut diakui oleh seorang penduduk yang tinggal di kawasan kejiranan SS1, Petaling Jaya, Siti Norhaizan Tamin, 55. Dia yang mendiami kawasan terbabit bersama keluarganya sejak 13 tahun lalu tidak sekali-kali memandang sebelah mata terhadap tahap keselamatan rumahnya.
Oleh kerana setiap ahli keluarganya sibuk menjalani urusan harian masing-masing, banglo dua tingkat itu sering kali terbiar kosong terutama ketika waktu siang.
Walaupun mempunyai pembantu rumah, Siti Norhaizan tidak merasakan ia selamat. Bukannya dia tidak mempercayai pembantunya itu, tetapi kebimbangannya berpunca daripada bayangan kemungkinan si pelaku jenayah yang semakin licik dan banyak muslihat.
Suri rumah itu memberitahu, rumahnya pernah sekali dipecah masuk oleh perompak. Meskipun kediamannya dilengkapi sistem penggera keselamatan, kebolehan penjenayah dengan modus operandi yang berkesan membuatkan mereka mudah membolos rumahnya itu.
"Mereka tidak menggunakan kekerasan yang boleh menyebabkan alat penggera itu berbunyi. Sebaliknya, penjenayah itu berpura-pura ingin menghantar barang kepada tuan rumah. Ketika kejadian, memang saya tiada di rumah. Yang ada hanyalah orang gaji.
"Pembantu saya pula mudah percaya dengan kata-kata orang tersebut itu lalu membenarkan mereka masuk. Sejurus sudah berada di dalam rumah, pembantu rumah saya telah diikat," katanya ketika ditemui Kosmo!.
Ketatkan pemantauan

PEMASANGAN kamera litar tertutup di premis niaga antara lain bertujuan untuk memantau aktiviti dan kejujuran para pekerja.

Bermula daripada episod hitam itu, Siti Norhaizan yang tidak lagi mahu kejadian itu berulang, membuat keputusan untuk memasang CCTV.
Jelasnya, memiliki sistem rumah pintar mungkin tidak seperti dahulu iaitu ia hanya digunakan oleh golongan berada memandangkan mereka mampu menanggung kos pemasangan yang tinggi. Kini, dengan bermodalkan kira-kira beberapa ribu ringgit, seluruh keluarga sudah dipantau sistem keselamatan tersebut.
Norhaizan menjelaskan, suaminya, Mohamed Mustapha, 63, hanya memperuntukkan kira-kira RM5,000 untuk memasang empat CCTV yang dilengkapi dengan dekoder. Pemasangan CCTV itu walau bagaimanapun terhad untuk rakaman di luar rumah.
"Kami sekeluarga tidak mahu pasang di dalam rumah kerana lebih mementingkan faktor keselamatan di kawasan luar. Sebab itulah, empat CCTV itu ditempatkan di bahagian hadapan, bahagian tepi dan belakang rumah," terang ibu kepada seorang cahaya mata itu.
Sementara itu, lokasi yang menempatkan monitor pula tidak diletakkan di bilik khas yang tersorok. Sebaliknya, dia lebih selesa meletakkan ketiga-tiga monitor itu di bahagian ruang tamu dan bilik tidur.

BILIK kawalan keselamatan Bangsar Shopping Centre, Kuala Lumpur pernah merakam kes penculikan Canny Ong.

CCTV yang beroperasi 24 jam itu cukup memuaskan hati apabila imej yang dirakam ketika waktu malam atau hujan lebat masih kelihatan jelas. Paparan monitor tersebut menunjukkan empat lokasi rakaman mengikut kedudukan kesemua CCTV tersebut.
Tambah Siti Norhaizan, tujuan pemasangan itu dilaksanakan antara lain adalah sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga sebelum membenarkan orang yang tidak dikenali memasuki kawasan rumah.
"Pada waktu malam, monitor di bahagian ruang tamu akan dimatikan. Tetapi, monitor di dalam bilik saya dan anak akan sentiasa beroperasi. Jadi bila kita rasa tidak sedap hati terhadap sesuatu aktiviti di luar rumah pada lewat malam, tidak perlulah untuk terus membuka pintu.
"Tengok dahulu di CCTV," katanya yang juga masih percaya terhadap penggunaan sistem penggera keselamatan.
Memori rakaman CCTV itu bertahan selama seminggu sahaja sebelum ia secara automatik terpadam. Sekiranya berlaku suatu kejadian tidak diingini, pemilik rumah pastinya akan terus membuat laporan polis. Maka, simpanan rakaman pada hari berkenaan boleh terus digunakan sebagai rujukan.
Kepentingan pelanggan
Kehebatan penggunaan CCTV turut dikongsi bersama dengan salah sebuah restoran terletak di Bandar Sunway iaitu Kafe Restrees Kopitiam. Pengurusnya, Rasip Suratmin menjelaskan alat keselamatan itu kini tidak lagi terhad digunakan oleh pihak tertentu sahaja.
Disebabkan ingin meningkatkan tahap keselamatan premis, dia memilih untuk meletakkan sebanyak lapan CCTV di sekitar lokasi restoran itu.
Katanya, sudah menjadi kemestian CCTV akan dipasang menghala ke arah kaunter. Di samping itu, tidak lupa juga di bahagian dapur dan ruang tengah para pelanggan.

DUA imej rakaman perlakuan jenayah melalui CCTV ini telah membantu proses pengecaman wajah dan penyiasatan pihak berkuasa.

"Banyak kegunaan jika pasang CCTV di restoran. Antaranya adalah kita boleh pantau kegiatan pekerja sekiranya ada yang yang tidak jujur dalam tugas," jawabnya ringkas.
Kawasan yang boleh dikatakan sering berlaku kegiatan jenayah itu merupakan punca CCTV dipasang sebagai kawalan utama.
"Dulu, restoran jarang dilengkapi CCTV. Kalau ada sekalipun, mungkin di rumah atau pejabat. Tetapi, memandangkan peningkatan kes jenayah rompakan atau kecurian, peniaga restoran mula membuka mata untuk mendapatkan bantuan sistem keselamatan elektronik ini," jelasnya.
Selain memastikan gerak-geri petugas restoran itu, ia juga dimanfaatkan untuk menjaga keselamatan pelanggan. Memandangkan di luar restoran turut menempatkan ruang untuk pelanggan, Rasip menyediakan sebanyak empat buah CCTV di bahagian itu.
"Namun, pernah juga terjadi kes telefon bimbit pelanggan di ruang hadapan kedai dirampas begitu sahaja oleh penjenayah.
"Kejadian itu berlaku sepantas kilat, hinggakan sistem kami tidak dapat merakam wajah suspek dengan jelas," terangnya kesal sambil berharap agar setiap orang lebih berhati-hati menjaga barangan peribadi masing-masing di tempat awam.


Geng Empat Jahanam tumpas – Kes samun klinik selesai dengan tangkapan empat lelaki


OMAR sambil memegang imej rakaman CCTV kes samun klinik di Ampang pada 7 Disember lalu yakin siasatan kes itu selesai selepas empat suspek berjaya ditangkap.

KERATAN muka depan Kosmo! 1 Januari.

KUALA LUMPUR – Kumpulan samun premis bersenjata yang dianggotai empat lelaki digelar Penjahat Empat Jahanam akhirnya tumpas dengan tangkapan terbaru membabitkan tiga lelaki yang bersembunyi dalam sebuah rumah di Pasir Puteh, Kelantan kelmarin.
Selepas suspek pertama yang berusia 33 tahun ditahan pada 6 Januari lalu dan diikuti dengan kejayaan kelmarin, polis yakin siasatan kes tersebut telah selesai.
Timbalan Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Selangor, Asisten Komisioner Omar Mammah memberitahu, pihaknya turut merampas beberapa buah telefon bimbit milik mangsa di klinik tersebut daripada suspek.


The Star

Monday January 4, 2010

Maid caught on CCTV abusing baby boy

KUALA LUMPUR: A Filipina maid was caught on closed-circuit television slapping the 11-month-old baby of her employer and later pushing the child to the wall when both of them were home alone.
The 31-year-old maid was arrested by police following the incident in a house in Bandar Sri Damansara around noon on Friday.
It is believed the baby’s parents had taken their older child out to lunch at 11.30am and left the maid and baby at home.
When the parents returned at 12.30pm, they became suspicious when they discovered red marks on the face and hand of their baby.
The maid vehemently denied doing anything to the baby when questioned.
However, she did not know they had installed a surveillance system in the house.
The employers replayed the CCTV clip and were horrified to see the maid slapping the baby several times and later pushing him against the wall.
The baby’s mother, a secretary, then lodged police report, said Selan­gor deputy CID chief (administration) Asst Comm Omar Mammah.
Police later arrested the maid.
The case is being investigated under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act for child abuse.


The Star

Wednesday December 16, 2009

Cops release photofit of robbery and car-jacking suspect

KUALA LUMPUR: Police released a photofit of a suspect (pic) believed to be involved in a robbery-cum-car jacking on Sunday night and recorded statement from several eyewitnesses.
Taxi driver, Khairuddin Mohamed jumped from the boot of his taxi, in which the robber had put him, before he succumbed to head injury at Jalan Kuching.
City CID chief Senior Asst Comm II Datuk Ku Chin Wah said police recorded statements from three eyewitness in connection with the 31-year-old taxi driver’s case.
“Police managed to put together a sketch of the suspect based on the information gathered from the witnesses, as well as from the CCTV footage.”
SAC Ku said the three recorded statements were from witnesses who came forward, including one who had contacted the police during the incident.
He said police gathered several CCTV recordings from Jalan Raja Laut, Jalan Sultan Ismail and also another recording from the Sime Darby building, here.
“We matched the CCTV footage and information from the witnesses before we came up with a photofit which matches up to 65%.
“Based on the information gathered, we believe the suspect is a local, height 175cm and is in his mid 30’s,” he added.
It had been reported Khairuddin had waved for help from inside the boot of the vehicle before jumping out near Bank Negara.
The taxi was later found abandoned near the Sime Darby building in Jalan Raja Laut, about 2km from place where Khairuddin died.
SAC Ku urged those with information about the suspect to contact the nearest police station or call Rakan Cop at 03-21159999.
The Star

Saturday November 28, 2009

CCTV shows Indonesian maid beating toddler

A CCTV recording that showed the abuse of a toddler has led to a maid’s arrest, reported Harian Metro.
In the incident on Tuesday, the one year and eight-month-old girl’s parents went to work leaving the girl and her seven-month old brother home with the 30-year-old maid. She hails from Bandung, Indonesia.
When the mother came home from work, she noticed that her daughter’s face was bruised and was also bleeding from the right eye. The boy was unharmed.
After taking her daughter to a clinic, the mother watched the CCTV recording and to her horror saw the maid yank the sleeping girl off her bed and onto the floor.
The footage also showed the maid lifting the child by her hair and throwing her into the living room.
Later that night, the father, a bank worker, lodged a police report at the Behrang police station.
The girl is currently receiving treatment at the Slim River Hospital.
Tanjung Malim district police chief Supt Mohd Ali Mat Nayan said the maid had been remanded to assist in investigations under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001 which carries a maximum jail sentence of 10 years or a RM20,000 fine or both.
> Police have not received any report that stated Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin was in Melbourne, according to Utusan Malaysia.
Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar said police were still tracing Raja Petra’s whereabouts and received no information of him being in Australia.
“I do not know where the report came from,” he said yesterday.
The deputy IGP was referring to a report in the newspaper that stated that the blogger was in Melbourne.


The Star

Wednesday November 4, 2009

CCTV catches mum and teen daughter stealing

A woman and her teenage daughter were captured on camera stealing at a boutique in Kuala Lumpur, reported China Press.
The woman, in her 40s, was seen entering the boutique at about 12.30pm last Sunday with the girl. Another child aged about two was also with her.
In the shop, the woman kept talking to two assistants while the teenager stole a purse from a handbag left by the counter.
The family then left the premises.
The CCTV clip has been handed over to the police.
The boutique owner, identified only as Wu, 28, said she realised her purse was missing 10 minutes after the family had left the premises.
“The mother said she had to withdraw money from the bank when I told her I did not accept credit cards or cheques. After she left, she kept calling and asking me about the payment methods.
“I suspected something was not right and checked my handbag and found my purse missing,” she said, adding that she had left the handbag on the floor at the counter.
Wu said there was about RM5,000 in the purse.
She added that RM800 was also spent using her credit card.
>Nanyang Siang Pau reported that Taiwanese singer Pan Mei-Chen was rescued three hours after she was confined in a backstage room in China.
Pan, 40, was performing at a Halloween concert in Chongqing last Sunday night.
She had gone backstage after delivering three songs but failed to reappear to continue her performance.
Suspecting something amiss, her fans called the police who later found Pan locked in a room.
It is learnt that the organiser locked her up when she refused to continue with the show.
Pan said she was annoyed with the organiser who had distributed gifts to the audience during her performance causing her to be distracted when singing.

Other News & Views is compiled from the vernacular newspapers (Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil dailies). As such, stories are grouped according to the respective language/medium. Where a paragraph begins with this > sign, it denotes a separate news item.

Pemasangan CCTV kawal keselamatan lebuh raya
Date: 31/08/2008
News Paper: 
Sinar Harian

SEMENYIH - Keselamatan penguna lebuh raya dan pengawalan dari pihak konsesi perlu dititikberatkan agar tidak mendatangkan sebarang masalah kepada semua pihak, maka pemasangan kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) merupakan wadah terbaik.
Konsesi pengendalian Lebuhraya LEKAS bagi Lebuhraya Kajang-Seremban (LKS) telah membelanjakan peruntukan sebanyak RM12 juta bagi pemasangan CCTV di sepanjang Lebuhraya LEKAS agar keselamatan semua pengguna terjamin dan setiap perkara dapat dirakamkan untuk sebarang kecemasan.
Menurut Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Neoh Soon Hiong, pemasangan CCTV ini akan dilakukan pada setiap dua kilometer sepanjang lebuh raya berkenaan dan di setiap kawasan penukaran haluan malah mampu untuk memfokuskan setiap kenderaan yang melalui lebuh raya ini sehingga sejauh satu kilometer.
"Dengan adanya CCTV ini maka setiap laluan daripada pengguna dapat dirakam dan sekiranya berlaku sebarang kes jenayah juga turut ia dapat diputarkan semula untuk ulang tayang pengesahan.
"Segala rakaman ini akan terus disalurkan ke bilik kawalan trafik dimana pihak pengurusan di bilik tersebut dapat melihat segala kejadian melalui skrin yang berada di hadapan mereka," katanya ketika memberi penerangan di bilik kawlan trafik.
Tambahnya, selain daripada rakaman CCTV terdapat juga pengawalan trafik 24 jam daripada anggota patrol yang disediakan dan sehingga kini terdapat 12 anggota, di mana  empat motosikal dan dua kereta perionda digunakan ketika Kerja-kerja rondaan dijalankan
"Jika pengguna menghadapi sebarang kesukaran boleh terus berhubung ke bahagian kecemasan dan peronda akan segera memberikan bantuan. Di samping memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik kepada penguna, rondaan yang dilakukan adalah bertujuan untuk mengelakan sebarang kegiatan jenayah yang berlaku di sepanjang lebuh raya ini," katanya.
Kepada pengguna lebuh raya ini tidak perlu berasa was-was dan sangsi terhadap tahap keselamatan kerana ia sentiasa berada dalam pemerhatian pihak berkenaan.


Govt won't install CCTV cameras along highways.
Date: 09/04/2007
News Paper: 
New Straits Times
SUNGAI SIPUT: The government will not "waste money" on installing closed-circuit television cameras along highways to deter lorry hijackings and robberies.
Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said the owners are responsible for the security of their lorries on the country's highways and roads, and not the government.
Asked to comment on Pan-Malaysia Lorry Owners Association president Er Sui See's suggestion last week to fit rest-stop entry and exit points with CCTV cameras, Samy Vellu blasted: "Next thing he is going to ask the government to do is wash his lorries. He must know his limits.
"We won't put up CCTV cameras. Why should we do that? You do business, you should take care of it."
During a news conference after opening the 61st Perak MIC convention here yesterday, Samy Vellu said the owners should solve the problem by installing in their lorries a satellite tracking system using the global positioning system (GPS).
"With GPS they will know where their lorries are ... This man (Er) wants others to do the work for him ... while his drivers just drive around."
Er was quoted by a daily describing security on the highway as "horrible". He said hijackings had become rampant.
Samy Vellu said that as businessmen, lorry owners must be prepared for any eventuality.
